Friday, August 6, 2010

ROAARRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!! Okay... So i'm bored. Why am i always bored?? Weird ain't it? xD
So i wanna ask you people.
Were you ever like SUPER DUPERBLY close to a group of people in primary school?
I know I was.
Then when you went to secondary school did you like... err... grow further apart or something like that?
Well if you're saying yes then well...
I know how you feel.
It feels weird talking to you Shun.
I'm barely talking to you Kaweh.
It's like we don't even know each other Pris.

I wish WE could go back to primary school where we can be retarded with each other...


Well... I'm out.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

OMG!!!! it's ALLIVEEE!!!!!!!!! hehe. so yeah. i'm in school now... and i'm BOREDDDDD... D=. sigh... are you bored? i am! see how bored i am? yeah. very bored. BTW!!! Pn Ida said a total of 126 "OKs" yesterday!! awesome ain't it? hehe. Pn Ida, you're my idol. =D